Friday, March 11, 2011

Back to my Lonesome

Well, Kristina left last night so it's back to just me (and Minou).  We had such an amazing visit and there's so much to tell that I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it all down here!  And for now I'm too lazy to try, so I'll just give you some highlights.  We...

1) listened to Milim play at l'Endroit and met my friends Bambi and Zal
2) went out to nice dinners - Ethiopian, Lebanese at the Sea Plaza (Bambi's treat), cebujen (Senegalese fish and rice), yassa (Senegalese onion sauce w/ meat or fish) etc.
3) listened to some local musicians and drank insanely expensive drinks at Just 4 U
4) took lots of walks
5) went to Toubab Diallo, a beautiful spot on the sea about 3 hours from Dakar, where we...
     a) did lots of nothing and thoroughly relished it!
     b) played an impromptu soccer match with two young local boys
     c) got shamelessly hit on by  a guy named "Jamil," who asked is in all seriousness, "LADIES, what I want to know is:  What can YOU do for ME?"  to which we insulted his manhood by responding with uncontrollable laughter. 
6) had another great line walking home from dinner:  "I'm Omar.  Have you heard of me?"  Lots of comebacks came to mind later on my stoop but unfortunately Omar never got to hear them.
7) haggled for souvenirs at the Soumbedioune artisan market - I've grown to take immense pleasure in the theatrics of bargaining, and have gotten quite good at it!
8) had fataya (a fast food hamburger pocket kind of thing with fries and ketchup and mayo and ground beef and grilled onions inside a triangle of fried bread.  OH yeah.)
9) had lots of long, illuminating conversations as would befit two close friends catching up after not seeing each other for FIVE years! 
10) started brainstorming our next girl-cation adventure for five years from now.  On the table:  Malaysia, Thailand, Spain (Andalusia), Brazil.

PS:  Oh, yeah.  So I'm back from the States.  I guess that's pretty obvious.  Matt's mom passed away peacefully on February 11, 2011, and I am thankful that I could be there for Matt and to attend the funeral.  So, here's a toast to Joan Sintchak:  may she rest in peace.  I got back to Dakar on March 3, and Kristina got here two days later.  Hosting her was good therapy for me - a healthy way to transition back to Dakar life. 

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