Friday, January 14, 2011

More Minou photos!

At this point, Minou needs no introduction! 

Here are a few updated photos of her - you can see her tummy is already starting to get a little pooch!  Although, this isn't entirely from being a piggy - it appears she has a slight inflammation of the intestines right now and so I'm giving her basically kitty-Mylanta and an antibiotic.  Fortunately, the pills are only 1/4 of a whole one, and are tiny enough that I can manage shoving them down her gullet without too much trouble (MOST of the time... she's still pretty talented at fake-swallowing and then spitting them out sometimes).


  1. Awwww. Sleepy Matt + Minou = almost as sweet as Beachside Run + DMC.

  2. I recognize that rabbit. :)

    If the rabbit's there, I guess that means the tickly's there too.
