Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ethiopian night

Last night I went out to eat at an Ethiopian restaurant not far from where I live - I met 3 other Fulbrighters there.  One I had already met - the historian from California.  He met me in his cab near my house, so that I wouldn't get lost (at night, especially, I still sometimes have trouble getting my bearings).  At the restaurant, I met two others - one is a U of Chicago student with the same kind of Fulbright as mine (there are multiple kinds of Fulbrights) and the other is a former Fulbrighter, an archaeologist from U Michigan, who is visiting for a month to do some follow-up research. 

The restaurant was cozy - upstairs, on a terrace / balcony - open air.  Lovely music playing - I kept on hearing saxophone versions of it in my head.  Maybe I'll try practicing it later...  But the food, the food!  Oh my God - it was SOOOOO yummy.  Mm.  So now I have one more incentive to lure people here to visit - you can eat some great Ethiopian food - my treat!

Right now I am treating myself to a nice lunch at the internet cafe - to celebrate making it through my first week here (well, I haven't been here a full week yet, but it's the start of my first weekend, and that's something).  Maybe I'll make this a tradition.  Something to look forward to, and an incentive to get stuff done during the week...

Here's Run at the Ethiopian place - posing with a Gazelle Beer label (product of Dakar),

and with a friendly Ethiopian from our table.


  1. So glad you had a wonderful evening with great food and music. Sounds like you now know some interesting people too with whom you have a lot in common. I've never had Ethiopian food - sounds like it must be tasty!

  2. Oh good; you adjusted Run's chain so it doesn't look like he's being strangled!
