Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tabaski Photos

Across the street from my house

Boys cleaning sheep entrails

Burying the unusable parts of the sheep

Tabou's family preparing the Tabaski feast

The women deal with the vegetables and make the sauce; the men prepare and grill the meat.

Tabou's cousin joking around; Tabou insists that I assure you all that Africans are not evil vampires, as she fears this picture might give people the wrong idea...

My first plate (there were 3).

Tabou gave me a traditional boubou as a Tabaski gift.  She also dolled me up with makeup, jewelry, high heels... (see earlier post about that lesson learned)

The whole ensemble

A close-up of Tabou's make-up work on me; I look a little shocked, as you can see.  Also, note the sweat above my upper lip (I don't think it blends well with the foundation) -  it was REALLY hot in there, and no fan... 

These were NOT the shoes I ended up wearing, but these are the shoes I SHOULD HAVE worn...

Tabou and her grandmother


The whole family, except not really, because there are many more...

My darling Bintou. 

Bintou and Layfatou.

Tabou and a baby cousin who's name I didn't catch.


4 of Tabou's cousins or half-sisters dressed up in their Tabaski finery (it's still unclear to me exactly how everyone is related to Tabou - especially because people tend to use "sister" and "brother" even if they are really cousins) .

Another cousin - I think her name is Mata.

Me and Grandma (AFTER the prayer rug incident, so you can see there are no hard feelings)

Me and Tabou's mom, Aida

Tabou's half-sister / cousin (?) Khaji.  She loves getting her picture taken and likes to strike suave model poses.

The very lovely Tabou dressed in her formal Tabaski outfit.

Tabou's younger sister Astou - she is a character.  She's funny and is always cracking up about something.

Me and Tabou at her mom's place.

The day after Tabaski Tabou asked if she could braid my hair...

These are "free braids," as opposed to cornrows...

Drawing goofy animal cartoons was a big hit with the kids - especially with the younger ones who don't really speak much French yet.

Africa's FUN!

Neighborhood kids wrestling - Senegalese wrestling is a unique traditional sport and people here are as obsessed with it as Americans are about football.

The neighborhood gang - they love getting photographed and really like to ham it up.

Khaji (far left) in her fancy Tabaski outfit, along with some other cousins / sisters / neighbors in their own custom-tailored boubous.

The living room area outside of Tabou's room - this is where we ate our mutton.

I believe this was an episode of Gossip Girl dubbed over in French.

The courtyard area outside of Tabou's house.

Tabou's building taken from the balcony outside her room.

Tabaski sunset.

Tabaski moon.


  1. I love these photos! What a lovely looking family. They are quite beautiful and so are you! Love the tabaski outfits and Tabou did a great job on the makeup!
