Friday, November 5, 2010

Finally, bank success

Not exactly newsworthy, but today's big project was finally getting cleared to use the Embassy bank.  So now I can pay my rent and be able to afford to go out for Ethiopian food tonight. 

Today hasn't been the greatest...  homesickness is hitting me hard.  I miss everybody so much it hurts and I'm feeling pretty lost and purposeless here (despite the fact that I do have something I'm supposed to be doing - namely, research).  I am aware that this is normal, though, so don't worry - I'll be fine. 

I was sad the other day downtown when I saw a guy selling caged parrots - they looked like babies, and the only consolation I had was that there were two per cage - at least they have a buddy to commiserate with.  But the cages were tiny and I cannot imagine that the birds were acquired in any humane fashion, so it made me sad... 

It's also sad seeing the cats here - none of them ever look old enough to be full adults - they always look like they are adolescents.  And they're all super thin and generally unhealthy looking.  So I was glad to see at least one well-off cat at the embassy, at least.  This isn't the best place to be an animal...

So - sorry for the sad post, but that's the state of affairs for today...

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got the bank account straightened out! I hope your dinner out for Ethiopian food winds up cheering you up, but I know being homesick is part of the deal sometimes. Maybe when you get started on your research and throw yourself into it your time will go fast and if you finish that early you can start writing the dissertation and be done with the whole thing and have it ready to turn in when you leave there!

    Keep your chin up!
    Love, Mommy Lydia
