Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"The Luckiest Unlucky Person in the World..."

This is my mom's pronouncement, and it couldn't be more true...  I manage to get myself into all sorts of insane predicaments but usually things end up turning out ok in the end...

So, for those of you who know about my passport fiasco from the YV Argentina tour, you will laugh when you learn that until a few hours ago I thought I had already lost the precious document again.  I got here yesterday morning, and by the end of the day my passport was nowhere to be seen.  I discovered this when I began unpacking...  I also thought that I had somehow forgotten to pack most of my relevant prescription medicines, until I remembered that they were crammed last-minute into my saxophone case.  I was running out of space, people... 

So, I frantically dug around - by yesterday evening I had already visited the Embassy and learned that I need to show my actual, physical passport and not a copy in order to obtain banking privileges.   Since Senegal is pretty much a cash-only economy except at the super-posh end of things, the cash I had exchanged was already almost gone...  I had to buy a cell phone, some snacks and some office supplies. 

I had to go to bed last night, having searched literally everywhere at least three times, to no avail.  I couldn't sleep - partially jet lag, but partially panic about the passport situation.  This morning I looked again before going to the embassy for phase 2 of the banking paperwork, and had to show up there empty-handed.  I still had other stuff to do, so it wasn't a wasted trip, but I was worried about what I was going to if I couldn't find it...

BUT, this afternoon I decided to try one last time, and somehow it decided to reappear in a place I of course had already looked at least three times... I swear there's some kind of evil gnome that misplaces these kinds of things and then sneaks them back later so I can look / feel like an idiot.

But I don't feel like as much of an idiot as I would have if I really HAD lost my passport again!  HAH!


  1. Too funny. Glad you found it.

    Prescriptions in with the saxophone, hmm? How'd the security people like that? Probably even more suspicious than when it's just the saxophone in its case.

  2. Looks like Run's working the passport scam...

  3. But if you HAD lost it, at least it's an area where you've have plenty of experience. Then you could go around giving seminars on passport replacement and clean up!

  4. Also, posting comments on here is hard.

  5. I thought I had already posted a comment here but it's gone. Anyway, I said I had given thanks to God that you found it. But I don't know how long that luck holds out, so let's don't push it. I'm so happy you have it now.

  6. Your other comment is on the November 2nd post, the one with all the photos of Run. I see you got the picture figured out. I think it probably won't show a picture by your post if you don't use Google.
